Sunday, April 7, 2013

Maplewood Resort

Maplewood Resort was located on the southeast side of Leech Lake.  It had one of the most beautiful beaches and locations on the lake.  Looking out on the big lake, it has a great view.  It was a really beautiful resort.  It was located next to the former Forestivew the Beautiful resort that has since gone the way of many resorts on the lake.

We stayed at Forestview the Beautiful a few times after my grandpa sold his cabin.  I always thought that Maplewood was a nice looking place.

One of the followers of this blog sent me a nice email about Maplewood, so I'm putting up this post so you can hear her memories.   She had some good stories about what going to the lake is all about!

The property is for sale as of 2021.

From the late 1950's early 60's Chamber of Commerce map:

Maplewood Resort - South shore of beautiful Leech Lake on Highway 34.  Strictly modern family resort.  Eight cottages and lodge.  Safe sandy beach and boat harbor.  Tel. VE 6-6-2443  Mabel Williams.

1 comment:

  1. I received this comment from Karen. I always love hearing from people that have any stories from Leech Lake.

    I was excited to see your blog. Our family has connections to the 30s too. A family of Swedes living in Des Moines, my grandma always said that the Leech Lake area reminded her of the old country. Our family spent many years at the old Maplewood Resort by Diamond point. Jack and Mabel Williams, as I understand, carved a trail from the highway to the lake and built their log cabins during the summer. They would then go back to Hialeah (sp?) Racetrack in Florida during the winter, in the early years, to make money for the resort. Hard workers! My grandfather had a car dealership in Ankeny and they were clients of his. What I remember now is that you could meet people from all walks of life, all staying in the simple cabins. My grandparents fished like they were being paid! They loved going out all day I the fishing boat with their tackle, lunch and pee can. We kids didn't have that much patience and grandpa wasn't about to around and take us back to shore right away. I remember years of good fishing and years when gram would,bring a can of fish along in case they were skunked.

    I turned 60 this last year and have photos as a baby at Leech. The last time I stayed at Maplewood was probably in the 70s. Later my family spent a couple of years at Agency Bay Resort. Jack had died and Mabel sold the resort. To stay at Agency Bay was much more hip. There was more than just fishing. They had a lodge with a pinball game and snacks! The Garbers also had kids and knew what they would like.. Our big time out at the Maplewood was fishing movie reels sponsored by Hamms Blue Ribbon, one night during our stay. The lodge there was a place of mystery to us. Mabel ran a tight ship and we were taught to mind our manners. After I married and had kids we stayed in Brainerd a couple years and Bemidji another couple but would stop by and stay a night or two in Walker. One year we stayed at the old Tianna Farm when it was a B&B. love reading what everyone has to say.
    Thanks for the memories and your efforts.
